Friday, 3 June 2011

I've always done my best to avoid spoilers whenever I watch a new programme or read a new book. I like to discover things in my own time, and to be surprised when unexpected events happen in the book instead of waiting for something that I already know would happen.
So whatever made me go and search for reviews of the book I'm currently reading, The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro, is beyond me. Maybe I just wanted to find out more about the author himself.
I'm right at the end of this brilliant book and I have been guessing like crazy what it is that is actually happening to the protagonist, Mr Ryder. Of course, now I have spotted in one of the articles about Ishiguro that Ryder has dementia and I have had to re-adjust all my ideas and possible scenarios. By the way, if you are halfway through this book and I have just spoilt it for you, sorry! There is still a chance that it isn't true...

I'll keep reading and will stay away from Google for the next few hours. I don't think I'll be able to go on with my day until I finish it now so I'm going to take the kids to our fitness club where they can swim and I can read. Keep checking this space for a review.

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